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eNPS Heatmap

This view gives you the employee net promoter score per manager

  • Select "Insights" on the top banner of the home page.
  • Then 'eNPS and Satisfaction' and 'eNPS Heatmap'
  • You can filter by Date or Manager on the top right by selecting the carrot drop down buttons.

Who is Visible?

Under eNPS you will only see those who have 3 or more direct reports.  This is to maintain confidentiality.  If "Mark" (in the example below) only had 1 direct report he would not show up.  It would be obvious that his one direct report is who gave the -60 to -20 eNPS score. 

Where's the Data Coming From? 

The data is Sunburst chart is pulling from trend data. Assuming you are looking at the current quarter, the Sunburst would be the current quarters worth of 90 day snapshots.

How the Heat Map Works

Leslie's score (in the example above) is not determined only by her direct reports.  Everyone in the organization below her is building toward her overall score (see below).  This view can be found in Insights > Community and Team > Dashboards > Org Chart Builder

That means that April as a manager with 3 direct reports is building toward Leslies's score.  Leslies score builds toward Ron's score (in the example above).  Basically anyone in the organization below you is building toward that manager eNPS.  We want to facilitate conversation with the manager of, "Something under your realm of control is going on.  How can we help create a better employee experience for those people?" 

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